There are different kinds of humor in this world. And like love, humor needs to have a certain chemistry with the audience.
Well, there's this certain kind of humor in Bob Ong's novels. For your better appreciation or understanding, his humor is like the Hangover movie. Or, the Horrible Bosses. Something not very sensical, but something that knows your funny bone. Bob Ong's like that. For me, at least.
I'm not really a fan, but I do appreciate some of his writings. To name some of his books that got me smiling and laughing are Abnkkbsnplako? and Stainless Longganisa. They are both light, funny and sensical. And with the cover of his newly released book, Lumayo Ka Nga Sa Akin, you'll know there's another humor instored for us.
Honestly, I haven't read the book yet nor have I seen it first hand. I haven't really dropped by a bookstore recently for the reason that I'm a bit tight financially and buying a book is not really an option. But seeing the cover really intrigued me. If only I knew this earlier, I could've wished this one for our exchange gift. I'm curious. And mostly I'm longing to experience another Bob Ong humor. That Bob Ong humor to be specific. I wish I could get the same funny feeling that I got with the two novels aforementioned. I missed that experience, which was not present in all of his books.
For more info, you may check this site.
Note: This isn't a paid advertisement. How I wish this could reward me, but it doesn't. Really.
Monday, December 19, 2011
This Kind Of Humor
0 comments Posted by Jean Dempsey at 7:10 PM
Labels: bob ong, LKNSA, Lumayo Ka Nga Sa Akin
Thursday, December 8, 2011
What makes a good clothing brand?
Kapag hindi na maluwang sa akin ang Extra-Small!
Paging Bayo, please make your extra-small smaller. :)
0 comments Posted by Jean Dempsey at 7:56 PM
Labels: Bayo
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Let's talk about temptations
Temptations are everywhere. And they make my heart melt (and break).
1. Mamma Mia on January
2. Varekai (I read it somewhere that they'll be back soon)
3. Katy Perry concert on January, too!
4. Sports watch that you can use under the sea
5. Classic boyish steel watch for ladies (Ironic noh? Basta something like this but built for ladies)
Donations are welcome.
0 comments Posted by Jean Dempsey at 8:32 PM
Friday, November 11, 2011
Meet my new cooking buddy, Cayenne!
It was from Pinoy Biggest Loser where my sister and I were introduced to Cayenne Pepper. It was, according to that particular episode, a herb good for people losing weight. It has this some sort of power or ability that makes someone lose weight. It's not that I need to lose some weight, because I am well aware that I only got my skin and bones to lose, but I want to somehow help my sister to put a tiny effort into her diet. Given this introduction, I never have expected Cayenne Pepper to have spicy effect. Yes, it has that spicy kick, which made me fall in love at first taste. I like food with hint of chili and Cayenne Pepper is truly the perfect partner in my cooking! Before, I had the black pepper as one of the spices I like to season in whatever dish I cook. Now, I think Cayenne Pepper will play that role. :)
1 comments Posted by Jean Dempsey at 8:41 PM
Labels: Cayenne Pepper
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Sweet Charity Photos
0 comments Posted by Jean Dempsey at 9:43 AM
Labels: musical, play, sweet charity
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Hey, Big Spender!
A couple of friends and I went to watch Sweet Charity at RCBC Tower in Makati yesterday! Yes, that exclamation point just indicated my... wait for it, extreme happiness! :)
Of course, for musicals like this that cost 10 times your movie ticket, I expected it to be BIG. And I was not disappointed.
Sweet Charity was, as I expected it to be, fun, light and entertaining. The show also managed to make a surprise through its stage design and lighting. I didn't expect it to have a lots of extra actors and actresses, too. Actors in plays usually portray double roles and sometimes back up minor or unnecessary roles. But in Sweet Charity, there were unnecessary silent characters that made the show more festive. (Sounds like big budget for me. Hehe)
Speaking of characters, the casting was great! Charity Hope Valentine's character fit Nikki Gil very well--so cute and fun. It's my first time to witness Nikki Gil's acting onstage. Though I was not able to watch her debut in Legally Blonde a couple of years ago, I read a few reviews about it that said that Nikki's performance lacked mastery. In Sweet Charity, I think Nikki Gil's act was clean and good. Her energy was very consistent. As for Kris Lawrence, the exagerrated acting was hilarious, but his voice made it even better. His soft and cool singing clearly portayed Oscar Lindguist's sweet and innocent personality. All other actors in the play greatly contributed to this materpiece. To name some, OJ Mariano, Ciara Sotto, Sheree and Shiela Valderrama-Martinez were amusingly great to do hilarious Mary-Jane-inspired Rhythym of Life act and Greek accents.
Today's the last day of showing of Sweet Charity. You still got time to catch Sweet Charity and experience the same fun as I did. :)
PS. The programme was for free, by the way. :)
0 comments Posted by Jean Dempsey at 11:35 AM
Labels: musical, play, sweet charity
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Fingers Crossed

0 comments Posted by Jean Dempsey at 8:34 PM
Labels: sweet charity, twitter
No Hidden Agenda. Just Blogging.
Bloggers, like me, often put up blogs to... uhm... share some bits of information or some bits of their lives and... wait it for it... earn money! Yes, I think one of the major reasons I have this blog is to earn money. That is why I have ads bubbling around the corner of this blogs. And that was what I aimed. Now that I could not really focus on blogging, it has just become a blabbing area for me.
When I was introduced to Gus Cosio's blog in line with my new "engagement in life" (that is, investing in stock market), I was amazed at how clean and organize the page is. It is very reader-friendly! And, if you notice, there are no ads! How cool is that?
0 comments Posted by Jean Dempsey at 8:25 PM
Labels: blogging without ads, stock market
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Baon from Spiral

0 comments Posted by Jean Dempsey at 7:56 PM
Sunday, July 24, 2011
The Sunday Plan B
As a person, I am a bit of a planner. If you know me well enough, you'd know that I don't like surprises.
For today, I have charted out a plan for my goal to be productive. The plan? Attend yoga by 7am. Attend 9am mass at Greenbelt afterwards. Then, claim my P500-worth Cheesecake, Etc. cheesecake at Glorietta. Go back home after the morning Makati trip to watch some TV, do some laundry, and whatsoever.
Unfortunately, I accidentally set a 5:35PM alarm which made me miss my 7am Yoga class. And like a domino effect, all morning madness that I planned is gone. As a wise person and still a good and creative planner, I came up with a contigency plan. And that plan B is to have a DIY yoga session, attend a mass nearby, go to market to buy some food for the week, watch some TV, do some laundry and so on.
At this moment, I was able to do the DIY yoga at home. One point for me! :) But I should admit... It was not as good as it should have been when I attended the real class at Makati. Hehe. Really, it's better to have an instructor to think of the poses and guide us as we stretch out our legs and tighten our muscles than to surf the net to check out possible yoga poses for a DIY session. (Stop complaining now.) I think I was able to find good sites online that helped with my plan B. At first, I stumbled upon which showed pictures of the poses. It was good, I reckon. Not that I thought yogajournal's poses are too easy for me, but I tried searching for more poses and found out about What's nice on this site was the animation inclusion on each pose. People like me would understand a triangle pose better with this animation. It is easier to load as well than having videos. :) Maybe you should try this at home, too. Let me know how it goes. :)
Now, it's time to proceed with the rest of my plan B. Happy Sunday, everyone!
0 comments Posted by Jean Dempsey at 8:22 AM
Labels: Yoga
Learning and Eating Live
Just after posting about Idol Sa Kusina a few weeks ago, I followed the show on twitter. If you read my first blog about the show, you'd know that I wished to be part of the audience. Well, I haven't been part of the live audience yet. But the show tweeted that we'd just need to send our intent to be part of the live audience by sending information and request to or This sounds like a plan to me. :)
0 comments Posted by Jean Dempsey at 8:13 AM
Labels: Idol Sa Kusina
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Blogging Resumed
After I have published my first post on this blog for this month, I noticed that the last time I wrote something was last January. Wow. Was I that occupied for the past months? Haha.
0 comments Posted by Jean Dempsey at 9:09 PM
A New Fave Cooking Show
I just discovered a new cooking show which easily caught my attention and interest. I'll be honest--it has taken over Quick Fire as my favorite cooking show.
The host of Idol Sa Kusina, the new favorite cooking show of mine on GMA News TV (Sunday Nights), tries a funny act while teaching and demonstrating cooking. But that doesn't really entertain me. What really catches me is the fact that I get to learn something from the show. On the first episode that I was able to watch, which was last week, I learned the process of blanching and the use of baking soda or sodium bicarbonate (Yes, even the scientific name stuck in my mind. See how effective?) to tenderize the meat. What's more, you get the hype that you want to try to cook the gourmet dishes the chef teaches on the show (and eat them afterwards!).
It's really fun you know. You learn. Then every after a dish is cooked, you drool and wish you were part of the audience who gets to taste the dishes taught on every episode.
0 comments Posted by Jean Dempsey at 7:55 PM
Labels: Cooking Show, Idol Sa Kusina
Monday, January 31, 2011
Someone Heard Me
I posted a blog on how I missed Rent last December. Now, someone posted something about Rent this February in one of the college yahoo groups. I was surprised. I never thought a re-run would be this quick. Haha.
Now, all I gotta do is look for a broadway buddy to see the show with me. Awesome.
Visit to get more details.
0 comments Posted by Jean Dempsey at 10:29 PM
Saturday, January 22, 2011
All blood

0 comments Posted by Jean Dempsey at 10:46 PM
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Delayed Reaction
Yes, I am so late for finding out about Sad.
I was going through the site to look for upcoming musicals to watch when I stumbled upon Rent. I don't much about this since I believe Rent wasn't my panahon. But the description of the broadway seems really interesting. Sadly, it has been shown last December. :( I should have found out about this site earlier!!
0 comments Posted by Jean Dempsey at 8:40 PM
After Hairspray and Xanadu, I have been fascinated with broadway and have checking sites on how I could get in touch with this industry. Though pricey, I feel very entertained watching a musical LIVE. This is just like my movie habit taken into the next level. And with this, I found a clickthecity-like site for broadway. Click here.
Haha posted it already so that I could have something to go back to in case I forgot the name of the site. =) Haha
0 comments Posted by Jean Dempsey at 8:32 PM
Labels: Broadway
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Macau Memory
0 comments Posted by Jean Dempsey at 5:38 PM