Yes, I really tuned in to radio yesterday just to catch the announcement on which branches to avail this promo. Good that I was able to listen on the right time and good that I switched stations from time to time. I heard the news at around 9:50am on Magic 89.9 and we were driving around Monumento that time.
We went straight to North EDSA, which was the nearest branch to

uring the two hours of waiting time, my adrenaline was just OVERFLOWING! I felt so impressed with the team who started this idea. I wanted to be part of this kind of team. I want to do this kind of things! I know... I am so aware that my work right know is so not the marketing I am longing for. I thought there's a reason why I am in trade marketing and why I always stumble into trade marketing. I thought I have the skills for it even if I don't aim for it. I thought. But I am well aware that all this time, all I've been seeing is my flaws and that I could not really stand as a good trade marketer. Oh well, enough with the drama. There will be a time for my brand marketing career. U just wait. :) For now, let's just celebrate that my family was able to save 712.50 pesos for a 30-liter diesel!

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