Sunday, September 14, 2008

Anybody heard of the show Mad Men?

Well, I did.

I first heard it on TV, during a commercial on one of the cable channels just last, last week (during the term break). It was really new to me since I don't have cable in the dorm!

After hearing about the title, even without any idea of what the show is about, I was so curious that I noted it on my phone so that I could search for it on the net. Then, on our first day at the ad agency where we're going to work with for 200 hours (for OJT), the managing partner, who was orienting us with advertising and agency backgrounds, happened to mention the show Mad Men. But I still didn't know what it meant.

So now, having the spare time to entertain myself, because I'm aware that I'll most likely not have enough time to enjoy once the real OJT starts (which is tomorrow! Gods, help me), I searched for the said show and found out that it in the context of ADVERTISING!

I have to see the show!! I hope I could relate to it and that it's a nice show--Oh well, I just want something happy, comic. =)